28 June 2024
Strengthening knowledge transfer: climate research and transfer centres
The non-profit association Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen e.V. (DG HochN) was founded in 2020 following the BMBF-funded joint project “HOCH-N: Universities for Sustainable Development”. It continues the network that has been established, disseminates the materials and findings developed in the HOCH-N project and continuously expands its activities. The association aims to raise the profile of sustainable development at universities in Germany and strengthen sustainability stakeholders through application-related, co-creative exchange processes. DG HochN offers, among other things, a joint knowledge wiki and hubs. Hubs are contact and energy locations (mainly virtual) where people can meet in a largely self-organised manner to advance the sustainability topics relevant to them.
With a view to the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045, there is still a lot to be done and transformed. Some German universities already have climate research centres, some of which are also tasked with implementing knowledge transfer. On 4 July, 10.00-11.30 a.m., there will therefore be a HUB on this topic, in which Dr Anita Dame, Head of the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg (CCC), will participate with a short input. After the inputs there will be time for discussion and questions.
Access data (without prior registration): https://zoom.us/j/96469339955?pwd=Ymk0QUNrOEJCVHlIYUZpRDhibG5qUT09
Image: Noah Buscher on Unsplash