Thematic conference “Heat transition: Renewable Ready for Berlin” on 07.11.
Energy Events


Thematic conference “Heat transition: Renewable Ready for Berlin” on 07.11.

7.11.24 I EINS, Berlin University of Technology, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin

Challenges and solutions for Berlin

One week before the “CCC Climate Science Days”, the conference “Wärmewende: Renewable Ready” will take place at the TU Berlin. This is aimed at scientists as well as energy suppliers & grid operators, energy companies & start-ups, the housing sector, industry & commerce and political representatives.

What are the current challenges and solutions for decarbonizing the heat supply in Berlin? This question will be discussed together at the event. Keynote speeches will shed light on the perspectives of users (housing sector and industry) and suppliers, while practical solutions will be developed in workshops. The aim is to use specific use cases to show ways to achieve “renewable readiness” and develop future collaborations. The conference is being organized with Prof. Martin Kriegel and Prof. Joachim Seifert (TU Berlin) and Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.

Further information on the program and participation

Image: Center for Entrepreneurship, TU Berlin