KOSMOS lecture by Prof. Philippe Baret on agroecology I October 9
Nutrition Events


KOSMOS lecture by Prof. Philippe Baret on agroecology I October 9

09.10.2024, 6-7.30 pm I Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6 (Senatssaal)

From Policies to Practices: An Agroecological Approach to Transition

Agroecology offers a framework to rethink agriculture within the broader context of food systems and proposes a pathway to reconcile agricultural practices with environmental dimensions. This KOSMOS lecture argues that reconfiguring agricultural practices requires a transformation of dietary patterns and the evolution of environmental policies. Elements of intermediation between policy and practice, such as agricultural advisory services, value chains, and territorial policies, are essential to develop multi-level governance dynamics towards a sustainability transition.

Philippe Baret is a Professor of Genetics, Systems Analysis, and Agroecology at Université de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium. He holds an Agricultural Engineering degree and a Ph.D. in Quantitative Genetics.

The event will be held in English. Admission is free. Registration is not necessary.

The KOSMOS-Lesungen are in the tradition of one of the most famous lecture series in the German history of science: Alexander von Humboldt’s Kosmos lectures. Around 100 years ago, the natural scientist spanned the entire world and all disciplines of science. Today’s KOSMOS lectures are dedicated to the challenging transformation processes in the age of the Anthropocene.

Further informations

Picutre: NASA Earth Observatory