Innovations, narratives and the competition for cultural validity
In cooperation with the transmission system operator 50Hertz, this seminar by cultural scientist Prof. Ingo Uhlig explores the connection between the technical and cultural levels of the energy transition. What is it all about?
Energy upheavals result from technical developments and are reflected in the construction and expansion of highly visible infrastructures. For example, we can think of all types of power plants that have been at the center of such upheavals at different times: Hydro, coal, nuclear, wind and solar power plants. At the same time, however, energy upheavals are justified with discourses and arguments, they are narrated and illustrated.
They therefore take place within a cultural balance of power and can only be understood and controlled if this balance of power is examined and made transparent through research. The seminar will make a contribution to this: It will look at historical energy upheavals and the current innovation process of the energy transition, including the respective discourses of validity, narrative constellations and rhetoric. It is also planned to enter into an exchange with actors of the energy transition in order to gain first-hand insights into innovation processes and their communication. This will take place in the form of guest lectures and excursions.
Access to the seminar is also possible with guest access.
Further information & registration
Picture: Corentin Marzin auf Unsplash