TU Berlin for Future – Public lecture series on climate protection in WS 24/25

TU Berlin for Future

Public lecture series on climate protection starting October 21

Online (Zoom)

On Mondays 4.15 - 5.45 p.m.

TU Berlin for Future

The new Climate Protection Act came into force in July 2024, just in time for the summer break. The law strengthens the forward-looking planning of climate protection measures. Despite this progress, the reduction targets have not yet been achieved and the question increasingly arises as to how social approval for further measures can be strengthened. Scientific findings can make a significant contribution to the further development of appropriate climate targets and strategies for their implementation.

In the interdisciplinary climate lecture “TU Berlin for Future”, TU scientists and external experts will once again address a wide range of topics related to climate protection in the winter semester 2024/25. The keynote lecture will be given by political sociologist Dr. Linus Westheuser from Humboldt-Universität Berlin. He researches political conflicts and their roots in social inequality and, together with Steffen Mau and Thomas Lux, last year published the book “Triggerpunkte. Consensus and Conflict in Contemporary Society”. In his introductory lecture, he will talk about social polarization trends in relation to (German) climate policy.

Further information incl. registration for extern public

Picture: ZTG


Introduction to the lecture series I Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer, Dr. Gabriele Wendorf, Dr. Maike Gossen

Key note: Climate conflicts as inequality conflicts
Dr. Linus Westheuser, Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Macrosociology

Climate change and beyond. Humans and the environment in the 21st century
Prof. Dr. Stefan Heiland, TU Berlin, Department of Landscape Planning and Landscape Development

Indoor climate quality in times of climate change – The new EU Buildings Directive EPBD as an opportunity!
Prof. Dr. Martin Kriegel, TU Berlin, Hermann-Rietschel Institute

No energy transition without sector coupling
Prof. Dr. Kai Strunz, TU Berlin, Research Group Energy Supply Networks and Integration of Renewable Energies (SENSE)

Design once, please: Principles for a connecting energy transition
Jérémie Gagné, Lead Research More

Entrepreneurial strategies to promote sufficiency
Dr. Maike Gossen, TU Berlin, Department of Labor Economics and Sustainable Consumption

Climate neutral(er) with geothermal energy – perspectives for the TU and the city of Berlin
Prof. Dr. Tomas Fernandez-Steeger, TU Berlin, Department of Engineering Geology

Heat in the city – How cities and the atmosphere interact
Dr. Daniel Fenner, TU Berlin, Department of Climatology

Climate ethics
Prof. Dr. Birgit Beck, TU Berlin, Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Group

More than just “dirt” – how survival in the climate crisis depends on soils
Prof. Dr. Carsten W. Müller, TU Berlin, Department of Soil Science

Wealth in the ecological crisis
Prof. Dr. Sighard Neckel, University of Hamburg, Department of Social Sciences

What is the climate crisis doing to us?
Prof. Dr. Silja Hartmann, TU Berlin, Research Group Strategic Leadership and Sustainability Management

Sustainable mobility in countries of the Global South
Dr. Wulf-Holger Arndt & Hassan Hussin, TU Berlin, Center for Technology and Society, Department of Mobility and Space

Panel discussion
in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (giz) and Engagement Global


Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer


Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer
Technische Universität Berlin