KOSMOS reading dialogue event: Protecting climate and freedom – how can this succeed?
Education Events


KOSMOS reading Dialogue event on 5.11.: Protecting climate and freedom – how can this succeed?

05.11.2024, 5-8 pm I Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6 (Senatssaal)

Social science perspectives in interdisciplinary dialog

Does climate protection restrict freedom – or is climate protection a prerequisite for freedom? Opinions often differ on this. The Science Year 2024 is dedicated to the value and meaning of freedom. The German Climate Consortium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research are placing the topic of freedom in the context of climate change and asking: “Protecting the climate and freedom – how can this be achieved? Social science perspectives in interdisciplinary dialog”.

Five experts will shed light on key questions from different perspectives, such as: How do climate protection and freedom go together? What ideas of freedom are there and what role do limits and regulations play in this? Why does the Federal Constitutional Court argue with the freedom of future generations in its climate decision? What ideas of freedom enable the transformation to a sustainable world?

Admission is free. Registration is not necessary.

The KOSMOS-Lesungen are in the tradition of one of the most famous lecture series in the German history of science: Alexander von Humboldt’s Kosmos lectures. Around 100 years ago, the natural scientist spanned the entire world and all disciplines of science. Today’s KOSMOS lectures are dedicated to the challenging transformation processes in the age of the Anthropocene.

Further informations

Picutre: IRI THESys  / HU Berlin