Brandenburg Scientific Climate Council founded
Politics Events

16 July 2024

Brandenburg Scientific Climate Council founded

Minister Axel Vogel appointed 12 members

The Scientific Climate Advisory Board was constituted on July 15. “I am delighted that the central scientific advisory board for Brandenburg’s climate plan, chaired by Prof. Lotze-Campen from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research – PIK, is being launched today,” said Climate Protection Minister Axel Vogel at the inaugural meeting. The advisory board consists of 12 members, including Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker, RIFS/TU Berlin and scientific coordinator of the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg.

The independent Climate Advisory Board is to provide scientific support for the monitoring process for the climate plan. Every two years and for the first time in 2025, the state government will present a “climate report” on the development of greenhouse gas emissions in Brandenburg and the degree to which targets have been achieved, as well as an assessment of the implementation status of the 103 climate plan measures. The advisory board will evaluate this report and submit proposals for the further development of the climate plan.

Further information

Image: Etienne Girardet auf Unsplash