General information
Urban heat stress is increasing due to the climate crisis. This leads to urban heat islands, which are a growing challenge for climate resilience. The aim of this project was to draw conclusions for urban development policy by modeling heat stress for the metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg in high resolution and at the same time to consider exemplary adaptation options for a redensification project. The project builds upon the methods developed in the H2020 project PROVIDE. The tasks involved were carried out by Climate Analytics in cooperation with the Belgian organization BUUR/SWECO and VITO as well as Humboldt Universität.
First, current climatological information on a range of temperature and heat stress indicators was modeled for a 50×50 km area of the Berlin-Brandenburg region at a resolution of 30×30 meters and heat stress at 1×1 meter. Based on the analyses and the interest expressed by the stakeholders for options for the redensification, the possibility of a redensification project at Güterbahnhof (goods depot) in Greifswalder Straße in Berlin was explored. Three adaptation possibilities were developed, which were then considered in the high-resolution heat stress models.
The data were integrated into the PROVIDE Climate Risk Dashboard. The results of the study were published in a report. Alongside the high-resolution modeling of heat stress, other temperature-dependent factors related to the impacts of climate change and health were also created. The modeling can also provide important insights for other redensification projects.
Stakeholder workshops were held with local participants as well as various district offices, TU Berlin, and the Charité. The project was presented at Berlin Climate Day 2023. A final report for the project “Heat Stress and Adaptation Measures in the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region” was published.
Project website
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