CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
Education Event

CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region

Wissenschaftsetage Potsdam
(im Bildungsforum)
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam

Donnerstag, 30. März 13:00 – 20:30 Uhr

CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region I Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation in the Berlin-Brandenburg Networking Area

The expert forum is aimed at an expert audience from science, politics, business and civil society on the subject of climate protection and climate adaptation in the Berlin-Brandenburg network region. With this expert forum, the CCC aims to identify the key areas and topics that are required for networked climate protection measures at the interfaces between the states of Berlin and Brandenburg.
At the same time, the question of which location-specific research and implementation needs exist for science-based climate solutions and how transformative science – whether in the form of transdisciplinary projects, policy advice, real-world laboratories or dialogue formats – can help shape and accelerate the implementation of climate protection and adaptation measures will be explored.

The expert forum is an event organised by the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg c/o Technische Universität Berlin in cooperation with the University of Potsdam and the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf.

The 2nd meeting of the CCC Expert Council will take place before the expert forum.


1-1.20 pm I Welcome & greetings

  • Prof. Dr. Felix Creutzig I Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Technische Universität Berlin & Scientific Coordinator of the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg
  • Dr. Anita Dame I Head of Office of the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg

1.20-2.50 pm I Workshops 1-3

  • Workshop 1: Climate Governance: Participation & Art
  • Workshop 2: An Energy Region in Transition
  • Workshop 3: Agriculture and Food of the Future

2.50-3.20 pm I Coffee Break

3.20-4.50 Uhr I Workshops 4-5

  • Workshop 4: Education for Sustainable Development
  • Workshop 5: Mobility and Housing in a Growing Metropolitan Region
  • Open Networking Lounge: A space to get to know each other and network!

4.50-5 pm I Break

5-6 pm I Panel Discussion

  • Moderation: Prof. Dr. Felix Creutzig I Prof. Dr Felix Creutzig I Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Technische Universität Berlin & Scientific Coordinator of the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg

6-8.30 pm I Reception with short Welcome by

      • Prof. Dr. Barbara Höhle I Vice President for Research, Academic Qualification Phase and Equal Opportunities at the University of Potsdam
      • Prof. Dr. Daniela Schlütz I Vice President for Research and Transfer at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
      • Prof. Dr. Geraldine Rauch I President of the Technische Universität Berlin

The program as PDF. Registration is closed.

There will be a small exhibition of student works of the „Art For Future Lab“ from the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf.

©: Michael Reinhardt

CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
2nd meeting of the CCC Expert Council
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region
CCC Expert Forum for a Climate-neutral Metropolitan Region