Experimental Evidence from Urban Policies
Politics Project

#Berlin #Paris #PublicPolicy
October – December 2022

The Effect of Information Framing on Policy Support: Experimental Evidence from Urban Policies

Funded institution
Technische Universität Berlin
Cooperation partner(s):
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, University of Oxford, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Hochschule Bochum, and RWI

General information

In order to achieve the climate targets, reliable economic policy instruments for reducing emissions must be strengthened. However, sufficient public support is required to implement these instruments in real-world situations. At the moment, little is known about the public’s perception of local and sectoral policy options for reducing emissions. At the same time, however, these options can also help solve other environmental problems, such as air pollution from traffic and the loss of biodiversity due to changes in land use. This project primarily investigated the role urban transport policies can play in combating the climate crisis, using the cases of Berlin and Paris as examples.


How can policies at the sub-national level create positive knock-on effects, new standards, and learning cues from small-scale experiments in the introduction of congestion pricing and other transport policies? This question was explored through experimental surveys in Berlin and Paris. The project focused on sub-national and urban instruments for climate protection and adaptation, and tested the impact of different educational videos on support for an inner-city congestion charge in the inner cities of Berlin and Paris.


All three educational videos significantly increased support for an inner-city congestion charge. Information on the reduction of air pollution has the greatest impact, followed by information on time savings through traffic reduction and the reduction of emissions of climate-damaging exhaust gases.


A scientific paper is planned. Building on this, journalistic articles on the transport policies of Berlin and Paris will contribute to a more objective public debate and be used for behind-the-scenes discussions with policymakers.

Picture: Romina Becker


Our findings are very encouraging for the implementation of effective political instruments at the city level: The support for the introduction of an inner-city congestion charge rose demonstrably after the residents in Berlin and Paris were informed about the benefits.

Dr. Johanna Arlinghaus
University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. Linus Mattauch


Prof. Dr. Linus Mattauch
Technische Universität Berlin