#Berlin #Mobility
Citizens’ Assembly on the Decarbonization of the Transport Sector
TATuP – Journal for Technology Assessment
in Theory and Practice (advance publication)
Moritz Kreuschner, Tilmann Schlenther, Nora Bonatz, Hamid Mostofi, Hans-Liudger Dienel, Kai Nagel
Technische Universität Berlin
The purpose of this project was to obtain feedback from a cross-section of the Berlin population on measures to decarbonize the transport sector. Various groups of people of different ages were represented in the newly formed citizens’ assembly, and participants from the Berlin Climate Citizens’ Assembly were also recruited to take part in the project. Discussions were held on private passenger transport, commercial passenger transport, freight transport, and specialty transportation (e.g. emergency vehicles and waste collection). The discussion on private passenger transport was supported by a dashboard that illustrated the carbon reductions that can be made through various measures.
Almost all participants were in favor of making the transport sector climate-neutral by 2045. However, opinions differed on specific measures. In general, investments in public transport and cycling infrastructure as well as clear communication on transport policy plans were welcomed. However, price increases, for example for petrol and diesel, were rejected.
The report was compiled as part of the project „Bürgerschaftliche Resonanz auf nachhaltige Mobilitäts- und Infrastrukturszenarien für Berlin“ funded by the Climate Change Center
Picture: Maximilian Grosser