Thematic conference “Heat transition: Renewable Ready for Berlin” on 07.11.

Thematic conference “Heat transition: Renewable Ready for Berlin” on 07.11.


CCC Climate Science Days I Registration open

CCC Climate Science Days I Registration open


KOSMOS reading: Dialogue event on 5.11.

KOSMOS reading: Dialogue event on 5.11.


Klimaforschung neu denken

mit Wissenstransfer und Perspektivwechsel

Das Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg (CCC) ist ein inter- und transdisziplinäres Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer. Gemeinsam mit Vertreter*innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Kultur arbeiten wir an Lösungen, um Berlin und Brandenburg klimaneutral zu machen und an die Folgen der Klimakrise anzupassen.

About us

Get Involved!

Working Together on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Berlin and Brandenburg

At CCC connect (prototype) – the network for climate-positive solutions from and for Berlin-Brandenburg – we provide a platform for climate experts and change agents. Transformation makers from a range of scientific disciplines and areas of society can network on CCC connect and shape change together.

CCC Connect

Gemeinsam für Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Metropolregion

Die Wissenschafts- und Forschungslandschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg ist bestens für eine systematische, inter- und transdisziplinäre Analyse der Klimakrise aufgestellt. Das CCC hat sich in einer Gemeinschaftsinitiative zusammengeschlossen, um ihre umfangreiche Expertise und vielfältigen Lösungskompetenzen zu mobilisieren.

2019 Gegründet
13 Hochschulen
17 Forschungs­einrichtungen und Think Tanks
38 Projekte

Gut zu wissen (FAQ)

Who Are We?

The Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg (CCC) is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary center for research and knowledge transfer. Since 2019, we have been working on solutions to make Berlin and Brandenburg climate neutral and adapt to the consequences of the climate crisis. Around forty universities, research institutes and think tanks have joined forces under the leadership of Technische Universität Berlin. We focus on concrete climate issues that are relevant to the region.

What Are Our Goals?

Addressing the climate crisis means taking rapid action on the basis of scientifically sound solutions. By working together closely, universities, research institutions, and actors from politics, business, civil society, and the arts can develop and deliver tailor-made measures and strategies for the Berlin-Brandenburg region.
As a joint initiative, we bring together scientists, researchers, and change agents in order to mobilize their extensive expertise and competencies. Our aim is to communicate findings to government and industry so that they can implement short- and long-term measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the region in an ecological, socially just, and economical way.

Together with the CCC Council of Experts, we have defined the following objectives:

  • We aim to bring together actors from science and research, politics, business, civil society, and the arts in order to achieve climate transformation in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region
  • We enhance the combined regional expertise on climate in Berlin-Brandenburg as a hub for science and research
  • We create the conditions to act as a facilitator in the Berlin-Brandenburg region and to support cooperation between the states of Berlin and Brandenburg on climate transformation
  • We actively design science communication in order to disseminate scientific expertise on climate change mitigation and adaptation among the public and strengthen knowledge exchange
  • We support collaboration with private firms and science-based start-ups and obtain endowed professorships in order to harness the innovative and transformative power of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional economy for the climate

What Exactly Are We Doing to Achieve These Goals?

We support interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration on solutions to make Berlin and Brandenburg climate neutral and adapt to the consequences of the climate crisis.
Specifically, this includes:

  • Building cross-institutional and international networks for research on climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Acquiring and awarding project funding to science and research institutions
  • Transferring and communicating scientific findings into practice
  • Regularly convening a transdisciplinary, international council of experts
  • Developing the CCC connect network platform for transformation makers in Berlin and Brandenburg
  • Organizing events and workshops to promote interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary exchange in the region.

How Are We Funded?

Since 2021, the CCC has been supported by the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care and, from 2022, additionally by project funding from the Einstein Foundation Berlin.

You Can Get Involved!

There are various options:

Join our network at CCC connect – the network for climate-positive solutions from and for Berlin-Brandenburg. It’s a platform where we bring together climate experts and change agents. Transformation makers from a range of scientific disciplines and areas of society can network on CCC connect and shape change together.
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